The cast of "Vanity Fair" (from left) Alyssa Wilmoth Keegan, Maribel Martinez, Rebekah Brockman, Adam Magill, Anthony Michael Lopez and Vincent Randazzo sings during the opening scene. |
American Conservatory Theater’s production of
“Vanity Fair” is a constant source of fascination, admiration and often
amusement thanks to Kate Hamill’s adaptation of William Makepeace Thackeray's sprawling mid-19th century novel.
Directed by Jessica Stone in a co-production with Washington,
D.C.’s Shakespeare Theatre Company, it uses seven actors to portray dozens of
The only actors with one role are Rebekah Brockman
as Becky Sharp and Maribel Martinez as her friend, Amelia Sedley.
Set in London starting in 1814, this production is
framed as a show at the Strand Musick Hall, where the Manager (Dan Hiatt) is
the emcee and narrator.
Becky comes from a middle class family with little
money while Amelia comes from a wealthy family. Becky is determined to ascend
the social ladder, starting by marrying a rich man.
Dan Hiatt as Matilda Crawley, Rebekah Brockman as Becky Sharp. |
Eventually she does marry such a man, Rawdon (Adam
Magill), a captain in the English army. She also finds favor with his maiden
aunt, Matilda Crawley (Hiatt at his most humorous).
In the meantime, Amelia marries another English
soldier, George (Alyssa Wilmoth Keegan), while his fellow soldier, William
Dobbin (Anthony Michael Lopez), falls in love with her, too.
Later, Amelia’s stockbroker father, Mr. Sedley
(Magill), goes bankrupt when the market crashes because of jitters over the
possibility of war with Napoleon and the French.
Over time, Amelia’s position improves while Becky’s
sinks. Still, she’s a survivor.
There’s much more to the story than that, but the
playwright, director and versatile cast keep everything clear.
Besides those already mentioned, the cast includes
Vincent Randazzo.
Everyone is noteworthy, but Hiatt is especially
outstanding in his multiple roles, both male and female.
Helping to keep the action fluid is Alexander
Dodge’s ingenious set, with lighting by David Weiner.
The sometimes
quick-change period costumes are by Jennifer Moeller.
Choreography by Connor Gallagher and music by sound
designer Jane Shaw add to the enjoyment, starting from the first scene, when
the cast sings and dances.
As the opening night audience left the theater,
there were many exclamations of approval and enjoyment.
Running about two and a half hours with one
intermission, “Vanity Fair” will continue through May 12 at ACT’s Geary
Theater, 415 Geary St., San Francisco.
For tickets and information, call (415) 749-2228 or
Photos by Scott Suchman